Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Richard Littlejohn: A Commentary

Richard Littlejohn has written another terrible piece this week on the Mail, I have done a bit of fact-checking and commentary for you all to enjoy...

They are genetically incapable of conceding that their great social experiment lies smouldering in the ruins of burned-out carpet warehouses and looted convenience stores.

Really Richard? The words “genetically incapable” seem a tad offensive even by your own standards. Am I genetic Leftie? Last time I checked the gene for political leaning had not been discovered. And what does that make you? Given that you’re incapable of showing empathy, compassion, balance and restraint? A sociopath…

The police have tried to lie their way out of their initial incompetence, denying that front-line riot cops, who were itching to crack skulls and make arrests, were ordered to stand back and observe criminals torching buildings and looting jewellery shops.

Have they? Tell me the lie, because that sounds a lot like slander to me. And be specific. Maybe the police will show less restraint when they get you. The fact is every member of the “rank and file” opposes the government’s cuts. They didn’t go in because the force is already spread far too thin. They would have got beat and what message does that send?

Sadly, but utterly predictably, the rest of the body politic has sunk to the occasion. As far as they are concerned, it’s back to petty squabbling as usual.

Every report and poll I’ve read suggests Cameron has suffered as a result of this disaster, showing zero leadership, backing down to Milliband’s call for an inquiry and failing to return from his holiday as London burned.

Like so many of our institutions, the police ‘service’ worships at the altar of yuman rites, elf’n’safety and diversity. It’s all about politics. Preventing crime, patrolling the streets and upholding the law is a tertiary consideration.

May I remind you of corruption, Stephen Lawrence and the G20 protests? Also, do you have a spell-checker? It’s F7 on Word…

Dave should summon her to Number 10 and read her palm. ‘Now look here, pet, you’re only Home Secretary because David Davis wandered off the reservation during the last Parliament and we’re short of presentable skirt to put up on Question Time.

‘Frankly, it was a toss-up between you and Caroline Spelman. So do as you’re told or you’ll find yourself promoted to making the tea for Vince Cable. Do I make myself crystal? Steve will show you out.’

If Dave wants to bring in Wyatt Earp, Robocop or Quick Draw McGraw, that’s his call. The Prime Minister has got a difficult enough job fighting a guerilla war against the Guardianistas and the Lib Dems without rebellion in his own ranks.

Nothing but wow!! “Presentable skirt”? I don’t like May, but fucking hell… You misogynistic, patronising idiot.

These are the same papers that defended Cameron’s right to refuse a consultation over phone hacking in the name of police independence! Do you even read your own rags? And is he fighting this war? Doesn’t sound like it to me, in fact the Lib Dems are in his government…

Over the past two decades, the Left has captured the commanding heights of government. They aren’t going to give up their citadels without a fight to the death.

Two decades? Errr… check your facts. Also, nobody, but nobody, would call Labour’s term Left-leaning. Except the Mail and we’ve already seen the mistakes in this garbage…

The BBC continues to refer to the mayhem on our streets as the ‘English Riots’. Since this now seems to be the officially accepted designation, can we expect a box on the next census form to allow us to identify ourselves as ‘English’?

No because it’s a British census you moron… And they’re the English riots because they’re were no riots in Scotland and Wales. Honestly he gets paid handsomely for this, and apparently no one even edits it!

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